2021 – Holy, Holy, Holy
The 12th Corpus Christi Conference
30 July-01 August 2021
After much deliberation, Corpus Christi has decided to hold a virtual conference the last weekend in July. More information to come, but we have one of the best Lutheran Theologians, Rev. Dr. John Kleinig, who will speak to us on Friday and Saturday morning. There will even be time for questions and discussion. This won’t be your average virtual conference, instead we will be using some unique technology to make catching up with your long distance friends easy and organic. There will be registration for the event and that will be open soon!
Also, we know that in many places there are are strict lockdown measures, but also other areas that are opening up. If you are interested in meeting in a small group, maybe renting a cabin, watching the lectures, and finding a local church on Sunday to attend, now is the time to start reaching out to your CC friends!
As a sort or prequel to the conference, Dr. Kleinig came to speak to us on May 22nd. Make sure to watch it on YouTube before the conference!
Please note the schedule is in Central European Summer Time. As stated above, the conference will comprise of local groups in addition to individuals joining in online. On the schedule you will notice there are event where the local group can organize their own event. There are also events that are intended for everyone to join. There is no planned program for Free Time, but local groups may choose to have activities during this time.
What happens when people no longer have a sense for God’s holiness, when they live as if nothing was sacred any longer? They are unable to enjoy him and his goodness in the church and in the world. In these two sessions I intend to examine the surprising teaching of holiness in the Bible and show how the triune God purifies us from spiritual pollution and shares his holiness with us through his most holy word by the proclamation of the gospel and the administration of the sacraments in the divine service, so that as his saints we can have access to his holy presence together with his holy angels and serve him as his holy priests already now here on earth.
We look forward to learning from our very first Australian main speaker, Rev Dr John Kleinig, a highly experienced Biblical and practical theologian. After serving as a pastor in Melbourne and Brisbane, he taught at the Australian Lutheran College in North Adelaide for almost three decades. Generations of students have benefitted from the clarity, conviction and liveliness of his biblically-grounded presentations. His areas of special interest range from the liturgy and hymnody to spirituality and especially to the Old Testament. Married to his musical wife Claire, he is a father of four children and a proud grandfather of ten grandchildren. His hobbies include fishing, gardening, reading novels, viewing films, and doing nothing. In order to get to know him and his work in advance, check out his YouTube channel or his website johnkleinig.com!
Come and Experience
- Solid, biblical teaching by excellent international speakers
- Rich, liturgical, Christ-centred worship
- Fellowship with an international group of Lutheran young adults
Stay in touch with Corpus Christi through our Facebook Page. Help our organization by becoming a member (annual fee of 10 Euro). Additional contributions are always welcome! Send us a message through our contact page or sign up at the conference to become a member.