2024 – The Body of Christ
The 14th Corpus Christi Conference
Wittenberg, Germany
22-26 July 2024
We have booked an entire hostel and an additional 80 beds at another hostel, which adds up to around 240 beds! Please pray for the board and the local working group as they work hard to make this conference a success.
Conference Handbook
Please send payment to our Swedish account (shown below) as soon as possible after registering. This makes it so much easier for our registration team! Also please note that the last day to register for the conference will be 15th of June. Payment is also due by that date at the very latest! If payment is not received by the date above, we may not be able to hold your reservation for the hotel.
Recipient: Corpus Christi, c/o Jakob Appell (Stenbrogatan 3D, lgh 1003, SE-431 43 Molndal)
IBAN: SE3350000000050111196833
Meet the Speaker
Rev. Dr. Joel Biermann
Joel Biermann is the Waldemar A. and June Schuette Professor of Systematic Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.
A full-time member of the faculty at Concordia Seminary since 2002, Joel Biermann revels in teaching doctrinal theology to Concordia’s students – and to anyone else he can persuade to listen. He was ordained in 1987 as a pastor in the Missouri Synod in the USA and spent eleven years as a parish pastor serving congregations in Minnesota and Michigan before returning to the seminary for graduate work. He and his wife, Jeannalee, enjoy spending time pursuing a variety of activities afforded by the city, but most especially they cherish time with their three children and their spouses and their ten grandchildren all who live in the St. Louis area. He has authored three books: Courageous Fathers of the Bible; A Case for Character; and Wholly Citizens.
More about the Plenary Sessions
Session 1 – Introduction – The Body of Christ in the Manger
Session 2 – The Body of Christ on the Cross
Session 3 – The Body of Christ on the Altar
Session 4 – The Body of Christ in the Pews
The Eternal Word of God became incarnate. He had a real human body. This bare fact at the heart of our Christian confession carries enormous significance for the way we understand all of reality. That God is real flesh and blood for eternity, means that we can never be dismissive of the material realities of our world and our own physical being. Starting from this foundation, it is critical to consider what it means that Jesus truly died at Calvary and the way that his atoning sacrifice is the center of our lives: we are justified by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone. The same Jesus who died for us rose triumphant and promises to come to us now each time we celebrate the meal he gave us, the Lord’s Supper. Gathered around the altar, we recognize his body: present in, with, and under the bread; and present in all those with whom we commune in the unity of our confession. Sitting in the pews, hearing God’s Word, God’s people, his saints, are the body of Christ present in the world, today. Understanding the church in this way sheds much light on the way we understand our relationships and responsibilities as members of Christ’s body, the church.
The conference will start on Monday afternoon. Registration will start at 1:30pm and the Welcome will follow afterwards. We will follow a similar timetable as last year’s schedule.
In addition please note that on Friday the conference will end around noon, however there will be a relaxed activity of some kind afterwards. Its a great way to get to know people better before saying good bye. Make sure to take that in account when booking your flight. There is also a loosely organized activity in Berlin on the Saturday and Sunday before the conference for those who would be interested in some sight seeing. There is even an optional Reformation-Sites tour!! Please click here for a pdf highlighting the pre and post conference activities.
Please remember you will need to allow for some time to get to and form Wittenberg to the BER airport. Wittenberg is about a 1 hour car drive or train ride from Berlin airport.More information about transportation options can be found in this pdf, click here!
Three speakers will give presentations on individual topics related to our main theme “The Body of Christ.” You will have the chance to choose between three general topics, which you can mix and match as you see fit. For example, you can choose one presentation from each speaker, or attend two sessions from one speaker and one of the sessions from another speaker. Our speakers are Rev. Sebastian Grünbaum, Rev. Esko Murto and Rev. Prof. Dr. Armin Wenz. In addition to these three topics, NYLT sessions, targeted at theologians and students of theology, will be offered at the same time.
Speakers and Themes:
Esko Murto
1. Basic Lutheran Doctrine: Baptism
2. Basic Lutheran Doctrine: The Church
3. Basic Lutheran Doctrine: The Office of the Ministry
Sebastian Grünbaum
1. The Body in the Service of God – in Celibacy
2. The Body in the Service of God – in Marriage
3. The Body in the Service of God – among the Saints
Armin Wenz
1. The Created Body and the Fallen Body
2. The Healing of the Body through Christ
3. The Body Fully Restored – the Future of the Body in the Life Everlasting
Network of Young Lutheran Theologians
To Be Announced
Descriptions of Themes:
Esko Murto
About the Series “Basic Lutheran Doctrine”:
This series will give you insights about central Biblical teachings in a basic, yet thorough way.
Basic Lutheran Doctrine: Baptism
“In one Spirit we were all baptized into one body…” (1. Cor. 12:13) What does the Bible teach about the sacrament of the Holy Baptism, and why has this sacrament become so often a point of hot debate between Christians? How does our understanding of Baptism affect the way we live our lives as Christians and see our place in the Body of Christ, the Church?
Basic Lutheran Doctrine: The Church and Her Confession
“I appeal to you — that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.” (1. Cor. 1:10) All Christians are “one in Christ” – or are we? Lutherans, Catholics, Pentecostals…what should we think of there being so many denominations? Is ecumenism good or bad? What IS the church, anyways?
Basic Lutheran Doctrine: Pastors and the Congregation
“He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” (Eph. 4:11) What is the purpose of having pastors – is it just a practical arrangement of getting the church business going, or is there more to it? Who are the right shepherds of the church? How can the pastors and the lay members work together for the good of the congregation?
Sebastian Grünbaum
About the series “The body in the service of God”:
Our faith is thoroughly relational. If I ask, “who am I?”, the answer is that I am created, redeemed, and sanctified by God. God has redeemed me through and in His Son Jesus Christ “in order that I may be wholly His own, and live under Him in His kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness” (Luther’s Small Catechism). But we do not only exist and live in relation to God, but also in relation to our neighbors. God does not need my good works while my neighbor is in desperate need of them. We serve God and our neighbor through the vocations that He gives us. Being a Christian does not mean having fewer relationships but more and deeper relationships, not only with God but also with each other. This series focuses on two questions that concern our relationships as members of the Body of Christ with other people. First, what kind of identity is bestowed upon us in these respective vocations (as celibate, married, and in the congregation), and secondly what kind of mission and responsibility is given to us in these vocations.
Armin Wenz
1. The created body and the fallen body (The body in the first article)
Not only our soul, but also our body is God’s good gift to us human beings. Therefore, we are both, to enjoy (Latin: frui) and to use (Latin: uti) our bodies first, in order to praise our creator with all our senses and limbs, and second, in order to serve our neighbour through them. But due to sin, we are permanently tempted to make bad use of our bodies, to engage our senses and limbs in ways that are not God-pleasing. As a result, mankind loses God’s blessings for body and soul in manifold ways.
2. The healing of the body through Christ (The body in the second article)
Christ is the only way out of this dead end of sin. As God’s Son incarnate, he is the new Adam who perfectly praises His Father and who lovingly meets the needs of mankind in his human body. He not only heals human bodies from sin, disease, and death through corporeal interventions. He also, through his saving work in his death and bodily resurrection, liberates us from the bondage of sin and death in order that we may enjoy total unity with him through his word and sacraments, and thus bodily follow his footsteps.
3. The body fully restored – the future of the body in the life everlasting
(The body in the third article)
The word of God teaches the resurrection of the body. At the same time, we learn from certain passages in the New Testament (especially 1 Cor 15) that our body will be totally changed through an eschatological divine work which the Bible calls “the glorification of the body”. We will examine what the Bible teaches us about the glorified state of our bodies and how God himself thus invites us to look forward to the heavenly future of our bodies. The Lutheran theologian Philipp Nicolai (1556-1608) will help us with insights from his “Freudenspiegel des ewigen Lebens” (“Mirror of the Joys of Eternal Life”).
Short Biographies:
Sebastian Grünbaum (Finland)
Rev. Grünbaum was born and raised in Helsinki, Finland. He studied theology at Åbo Akademi University in Turku from 2006 to 2011. He was ordained as a pastor for the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland in 2011 and served in Turku for 11 years. In 2022 Sebastian moved to St. Louis to work on a Ph.D. at Concordia Seminary St. Louis. His interests are reading, writing, running, motorcycle riding, and ice bathing.
Esko Murto (Finland)
Rev. Murto is a pastor of St John Lutheran Church in Tampere, Finland. He has served Lutheran congregations in the Finnish Mission Diocese since 2007, besides which he has spent four years teaching in a theological seminary in Canada. He met his wife Elisabeth through Corpus Christi, and they are blessed with two children.
Armin Wenz (Germany)
Rev. Prof. Dr. Wenz is an ordained minister of the SELK (= Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church), was a parish pastor in different places in Germany for 27 years, and is now serving as Professor for Biblical Theology at the SELK-Seminary in Oberursel. He earned a theological doctorate from the University of Erlangen and is still doing research on the history of biblical interpretation. Together with his wife Susanne he lives near Naumburg, Sachsen-Anhalt. They have three adult children and four grand-children.
Stadthaus Wittenberg, Mauerstraße 18, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Stadtkirche Wittenberg, Kirchpl. 20, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
This year we have booked all the beds at DJH Hostel Wittenberg so that everyone can be together, however the maximum amount at this hostel is 160 beds, so we also have reserved 80 beds at the Martha Hotel (formerly the Luther Hotel).
DJH Hostel Wittenberg, Schlossstraße 14/15, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Luther-Hotel (martas Hotel Lutherstadt Wittenberg), Neustraße 7-10, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
JULY 22ND – JULY 26TH, 2024